Sunday, August 22, 2010



we laughed together, before we even said 'hi.'

we then parted, before we even get connected.
we wasted our times, before we started treasuring them.
we fought for moments, before we began to cherish one.
we wondered why things felt so wrong, before we figured what's right.
we tried to shorten the distance, before we even began to walk.
we gradually forgot to laugh,
forgot to treasure,
forgot what it feels like to feel so right,
and forgot to take that step.
we wasted our times,
we fought,
we felt so wrong,
and we got tired of the distance.
we then bid our goodbyes,
before we have a chance to say another 'hi.'

and the story has to end here,
because there's no longer 'we,'
from now on,
there's only you, there's only me,
and everything in between... if there's any.

do you agree that life is a cycle, or in other words, a series of events repeating themselves in a sequence? well, i could not really argue with that statement, but i keenly believe that some events are meant to happen just once. some things, like chances, only come one time. some feelings are meant to be one of a kind. although i am more familiar with the idea that the future is what we should always go after, i know that no matter how beautiful my future is going to be, it is still dark at the moment, and i am still living in the present as of now. i trust that there are things that won't occur ever again, people that won't show up again, and opportunities that won't approach me again, which is why when the present feels so sweet, i secretly wish for time to freeze, so that i'd be able to preserve that moment, that feeling, and that kind of person that i am. or was.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


we started out so perfect. a union of both, me and you.
on that special day, you treated me like a lady and even more.

'if i'd a known that was the last time i was gonna talk to you, i would of thought of something better to say'

i never thought that we would break up for the better. Should've never made the promises to each other. so many things i should've said that you didn't know. but i knew you're a good man. give me love. you're faithful--- it showed on my hand.
Honesty (check)
conversation (check)
a shoulder i can lean anytime i'am feeling stressed (check)
good loving (YES)

i'am sorry. i'am sorry for the pain i put you through. But you shouldn't have to suffer cause i'am confused. so much for looking forward to future plan. lost the love of life. i can't lie, when you left, you took a part of me. part of me want you back. wake up crying in the night. no one could take your place, no matter how i try, i can't replace you. You were all i ever wanted. you walked out my door, then you went away. I can't forget it. I can't regret it. Some people say, time has a way of healing, and it can dry all the tear from your eyes.
Oh, but Bim.........they don't tell you about this empty feelin' and i can't disguise it. The best time i ever had when you were mine, said to myself to keep you near. I wish I didn't have to miss you. If only you could be with me always. I know I could never be any happier. But then again, I know that the day will come when I will be able to spend my every waking moment with you. I even miss you when I am sleeping!


Monday, August 09, 2010



aaaaaaaaaa gue mau cerita banyak ini Bang Riooooooo sumpah demi apapun gue telfon sibuk terus sih aah!!!!!
Mulai dari hal yang paling besar sampai yang terkecil, memang si abang Rio ini bisa dikatakan lebih mengenal gue luar dalem. Atau mungkin karena beda umur yang hem 4 tahunan kaliya, jadi dia seru banget buat diajak sharing. Nasehatnya.......selalu bener dan nancep dan selalu bisa buat gue berfikir ratusan kali. katanya 'kalo lo mau ambil keputusan, pikirin dampak kedepannya. Jangan mikirin buat lo doang, pikirin orang lain juga. Pikirin segala macem kemungkinan akibat dari setiap keputusan yang lo ambil'. Dan..........itu yang selalu gue pegang, karena ah bener juga kali ya, hidup kita seperti permainan catur. Biar gak salah langkah, makanya we think about so many possibility. yang tau gue luar dalem ya cuma dia. kayak kakak sendiri jatohnya. Bahkan gue seneng kalo ada yang marahin atau ngebentak gue kalo gue lagi egois dan bener-bener gak bisa diajak kompromi. Bukan berarti dia marah atau enggak suka, tapi karena dia sayang sama gue dan mau yang terbaik buat gue.

Dalam kondisi sekarang ini, mungkin gue terkesan ngarep. Haha iya ngarep banget malahan. gue enggak munafik bilang gue masih ngarep. capek soalnya. dibilang masih sayang gak? Iyalah sayang banget. terus???? yaudah gak ada terusannya. terus maunya apa? maunya ya balikan laaaaaaaaaaahhh. yaudah nunggu aja deh nunggu sampe kapanpun gue nungguuuuuuuuuuuuuu...............siapatau ada keajaiban, iya keajaiban. walau terdengar mustahil, tapi gue selalu percaya bahwa keajaiban itu ada.

Sunday, August 01, 2010

dan yang kita butuhkan


hallooooo, kembali lagi bersama saya disini hahahaha gak jelas. maaf. semakin hari tingkat gak jelasnya gue meningkat sangat drastis. yak terdengar sedikit lebay atau bahkan.........weird.
okey fine, tadi malem gue nonton REVIIIVAL 3 di Tennis Indoor- Senayan yang sumpah itu keren banget aaaaaaaaaaa #envy. terus pulangnya jam 12an bareng sama @YasmineNrs @nadyachairunisa @kikyapril @TriaPuspita dan #caca. sayangnya @nailestari gak ikut dateng huuufftttt dan............

it's really makes me so hurt when i heard 'it' from my friend's friend mouth. totally pissed me off. you've already makes me dissapointed.

okey emang rada lebay ajaya kedengerannya -emng guenya aja kalo ngomong lebay- yahabis gimana juga dong ya udah mentok juga otak gue, mau cerita sama siapa? ohiya maksih buat @desyaci ya tadi malem udah buat aku tenang :'') disaat gue gak tau siapa lagi yang bisa gue percaya. BESD makasiiiiiiiiihhhh banget udah menhibur :') yasminekucayangbaneeeeetttt uuu.

ohiyaaaaaaaa kemaren gue ditabrak motor di daerah rawamangun looohhhh -_____- egila ajakan yakan yadong pas mau nganterin temen gue si Reza yang mau jenguk pacarnya, Rose di rumah sakit. oh myyy they're make me cry you know. how sweet are they? hem kalo sakit enak deh pasti ditemenin pacar kan. oh ya lanjut ya omongan mulai ngelantur, pas abis kecelakaan, kaki gue perih banget. biru-biru akhirnya, dan........shock.

udah ya ceritanya, capek. doain aja buat #augustwish semoga..........
semua kembali kayak dulu lagi, at least gak seperti sekarang. apa yang dirasa sih kalo mood tiap hari ancur? okey wanita galau ajadeh tiap hari ini jadinya. POKOKNYA MOVING ON!